Vaginoplasty – a book and exploration by Dr Onuma
$24.99 – $28.99
The word vaginoplasty appears frequently in medical and colloquial literature. When use by women seeking medical attention, the uncertainty about anatomy results in confusion that is compounded by the wide interpretation of what the term means. When used by doctors and allied medical personnel there is no clear consensus on meaning. It is a word which is treated with disdain and requests for vaginoplasty are often responded to as if the person making the request had no symptoms of a medical nature.
Every time an enquiry is made about vaginoplasty there is a reference to diminished sexual function and a desire to improve it. The person seeking help has identified physical problems with their vagina which they feel negatively impact their enjoyment of sex and sexual intercourse. The majority report a perceived lack of tightness, whereas the minority are concerned about vaginal stricture, pain, bladder and lower bowel dysfunction. Aesthetic concerns are very common.
‘Vaginoplasty’ is not intended as a complete resource of information for any person considering any form of vaginoplasty. It is not a substitute for direct and appropriate discussions with a suitably qualified expert surgeon. I hope that the information in this book empowers you when discussing your own unique circumstances with your surgeon.